We don't need to increase our goods nearly as much as we need to scale down our wants. Not wanting something is as good as possessing it. ~Donald Horban
How much time and energy do you spend trying to attain something, whether emotionally or physically, which you believe you need in order to be happier, more fulfilled or make life easier? Common examples of where we get caught up in the "chase" include:
Believing we need someone's approval
Believing the next "planner" will organize our lives (instead of organizing it ourselves)
Believing that some better-than-botox cream will make us beautiful
Believing that our child needs a specific brand item or toy to be happy
Believing that we are responsible for "fixing" problems beyond our control
Believing that we are responsible for someone else's happiness
If I were to stockpile all the time and energy I have put into endeavors like these in the past, surely I could take the month of April off -- and maybe May, too. How freeing it can be to realize that maybe we don't "need" everything we think we do--instead, what we need to do is scale back on perceived needs.
Your Turn:
Create a list of things you have spent time and energy on that you felt you "needed." What needs can you scale back on so that you can enjoy today more?
Your affirmation:
My energy and time are spent only on life's true needs.
Challenge Life!
Brook Noel