January 23... Good Morning!
When your life flashes before your eyes, make sure that you've got plenty to watch." Unknown
Good morning! Today's quote offers the important reminder that we need to live life to its fullest--not just when it is convenient for us, but every day. It can be tempting to let our dreams, goals and relationships pile up on our to-do list while we tend to the daily logistics of living - but we must remember that our dreams, goals and relationships are what build a life. We never know what tomorrow brings, which makes it all the more important to make today count.
Your Turn:
What dreams, ambitions or relationships have you had "on hold" while tending to the day-to-day logistics of living? How can you incorporate these important areas at the center of your day-to-day life?
Your Affirmation:
I live each day to the fullest.
Challenge on!
Brook Noel
Ready to take the Challenge?
And as always, don't forget to start your day with a heartfelt "Something great is going to happen today... I can't wait to see what it is!" And when ending your day ask yourself, "What is one more thing I can do to make today matter?"
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